Thursday, May 22, 2014

April Showers bring May Flowers...unless we have no April showers then we get May Haboob's

Hi everyone;

Yes, we are anxiously awaiting rain. We are as low on water as we were during the dust bowl. I am going to hand a sign in my house "you may touch the dust, please don't write in it." With the promise of rain and hail this week (today and tomorrow) I have kept my baby plants under the carport. We just had a hint of lightning last night.

I am balancing so many manuscripts right now, sometimes it is very hard to concentrate. I participated in NaPiBoWe, (National Picture Book Week) and managed to start 7 new books. Now is the time to polish them and put them on story board.

Like I had nothing else to do, I signed up for the sketchbook project. The sketchbook will live in the NY museum of art. The books go on tour in the US and we got to choose what sort of theme they will have. I picked West Texas Icons. The first focus will be on Buddy Holly. Did you know that Peggy Sue is still alive and living in Lubbock? Let's see: horny toads, Tech, Famous singers from Lubbock, KDAV radio station, walk of fame, wind mills, Jackrabbits or Jackalopes, cottonfields, sunsets, dirt, cowboy boots, horses, beer, putting it together will be so much fun!

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