Can you place a value on friendship? No, it has no intrinsic value, but
it is priceless. We can't exist without it. Our souls would be lost and
starving in a vast wilderness without the love and nurturing of
friendship. It is something God placed within us, a kernel that reaches
forth from the muddy waters of life and sends it shoots upwards to the
light, blossoming forth on the top of the waters in search of
friendship. That little shoot begins as soon as we are born and
continues growing and strengthening until we leave this earth to begin
another journey.
Friends come in many sizes, shapes, colors, sexes, and even species! Our
family members can be our friends, our spouses definitely are our
friends but there is something about having a girlfriend you can call at
midnight and know she will be glad to hear your voice and share your
happiness or concerns.
A girlfriend is the one you camp out with in the local coffee shop, bouncing ideas off for that newest novel.
Or run down to South Texas with just to pick up corn, tomatoes and
homemade bread to can. She takes care of your children when they are
sick, gives you respite when your special needs child has stomped your
last nerve.
Who else would meditate with you? Wear a prayer shawl and understand the
meaning? Jump up and travel at the last minute? Learn Italian? Cook
around the world and not complain when our middles look like
marshmallows? Yes, this is ground that a spouse could occupy, but not
often. Only a friend lives in this area.
A girlfriend will gladly share a cup of coffee or a bottle of wine with
you, be there with a sympathetic ear when things seem to go awry. A
girlfriend is a blessing from God. A friend with angel wings. A
treasured earth goddess. And sometimes a Sister.
Truly Friends are priceless.
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