Thursday, July 15, 2010

Al came to live at our house today

Al came to live at our house today. I do not like him very much. He steals our thoughts away. He is the thief that is taking over Momma Jean's thoughts and moving them out. He makes her sad, anxious, and dependent on others. He is taking away her dignity and wonderful way with words. Today she cried because she is losing her ability to walk. It has happened rapidly and within the last few days. It has made her sad--all of us sad--and worried about her falling. She was presented with her new "transport" wheelchair, "Blue" and got to try it out when she went to the dentist. The look on her face when she saw the chair was not a happy camper. She is probably not  going to be happy about taking the chair with her tomorrow when she goes on the bus to her Alzheimer's group. I don't like Al very much.

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