Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's OVER!

66,000 words!!!!!  Plus two more novels in the series...Thank you Wanda!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Novel, New Banner

It's NaNoWriMo TIME AGAIN!!!

Yep, it's that time again!! I can't wait!! This year Wanda and I are writing buddies and will be working on a spy novel, "Ice Man"  We have ten days to get our notes organized, outlines synced and the coffee brewing!! Where is my espresso maker??

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lubbock Lake Historic Site

Well, who knew.  Yep, Lubbock -flat as a pancake, dry as the desert, a place that needs to post signs to tell which way for the water to run - had a lake. Of course there are small "playas" around town with fountains in them; I don't think that really counts as a lake. But out on the edge of town is a depression in the ground - a big depression - surrounded by high hills and bluffs that once was an ancient lake.  This is where we went today with the boys. It is now an official archaeological site. They have uncovered mammoth bones, a short-nosed bear, a giant armadillo, bison, arrowheads, etc.  The center was very interesting. Looking at the site from an areal photo, it looks as if the site was an ancient meteor crater.  We took the archaeological trail and only walked it halfway. It was 97 degrees outside.

Jacob being trampled by a Mammoth

Benny on the baby Mammoth's trunk

Mommo and the boys

BoBo and the boys...Guess what they are doing?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Elvis the Gentle Chihuahua

Sometimes Chihuahua's aren't the surly, snarkey beings as reputed. Elvis is one of the exceptions, he has always been an overly friendly, "Mr. not-listening." He is a lovey, hugger and loves with his whole body. He doesn't lick but caresses you with his face. I love it. I've never had a dog that hugs or lays his head on my shoulder the way he does.

But recently he has turned his attention to Momma Jean.  He knows she is having problems and is very attuned to her emotions. When she was extremely sad last week about not being able to walk most of the time, she went to bed early and cried. Elvis was in the bed with her, loving on her, trying to absorb all the sadness and fill her up with love. Every night when we go to bed, he walks beside the walker or the wheelchair (whichever we are using that evening) and hops on her bed - in spite of the two HUGE cats sitting on the bed threatening to crush him with one paw - and patiently waits for her to get into bed. This is a task in itself, but finally she is safely cocooned in the blankets and pillows and tucked in tight - there's Elvis, hugging her face with his, wagging his little stub tail and in return getting soft little pets. We kiss her goodnight and turn out the lights. Elvis stays for a moment longer and gives his love and protection before hopping off the bed and letting the cats have their domain.

Elvis is truly an exceptional dog.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


If sisters were flowers, I'd still pick you. I'd let the sun shine so you'd never be blue. I'd show the world how beautifully you grew, with bright bold colors and strength through and through.

I love you, Spike!


I meditated today.  Finally.  Yep, it was great. I sat on the backyard swing, in the shade, chihuahua's on my lap, prayer beads in my hand, mantra beside me in case I forget how to say it...and it was wonderful. I haven't received my answer yet, but it may be coming. The breeze is cool (for now) and the doves are cooing. If you tune out the drone of the lawnmowers, it's very nice. Not Colorado-sitting by the rushing river and moutain view nice-but nice for West Texas.

Wanda and I are on a voyage of discovery. We are checking in with each other nightly to (1) see how many words we wrote during the day, (2) progress on our walking, (3) meditation and any insights gained during that time. We are posting a new blog to follow, Springs in the Desert. I'll try to have it up by tonight. Journey with us on our voyage of self-discovery, friendship, spirituality, life and love.  We have some interesting and profound times ahead.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Agatha Christi and Hercule Poirot

You are looking at a true friend in this picture. Wanda is the Hercule Poirot to my Agatha Christi. Who else but a true friend would dress like a man, including stuffing so we could make the perfect Halloween couple?  This is a woman who was there whenever I needed her.
I had three adopted "special needs" children. My son is autistic, Wanda was there to help me when he needed to be placed into care and it was very difficult for me to do so. She was also my "respite" care when I needed a break. Her sons were close in age to my son. She listened and learned how to deal with his unique problems. I truly do not think she will ever know how indebted to her I am for saving me when I thought I was drowning. Caring for children who are handicapped is very draining, even though I was married - my husband at the time was gone on business trips most of the time. Wanda was the person I leaned on for support and help.  

She is the one person I love to go get coffee with, bounce off new writing ideas, dream with, plot with, be a partner in crime, travel, impulsivity, life, laughter and love. Thank you, Wanda for being such a wonderful friend. People like you only come along rarely in a lifetime. I love you.

PS  Only a true friend would give you a pig!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thoughts from a GrandMa's Heart

A grandkid's hug makes you feel worthwhile
You loose the blues and begin to smile.
You hear the voice say, "I love you"
and you quickly answer, "I love you, too."
Yes, those little arms are very dear;
they pep you up and bring you cheer!
SJW 1992


If you want a life with sunlight
Then you'll have to make it shine.
It's how you look at what you are
That makes your days and mine!

It's true some days can cast a shade:
But shade is not all bad,
for there we think and understand
and reflect on what we've had.

The days can come and soon be gone:
You're breathless from the pace,
And feel a sense of joy - or pain
as though you've run a race!

We stand in awe of slow, slow, days.
We may savor their every hour.
But each day is precious beyond our words,
and filled with immeasurable power!
SJW 1992
August Clouds

The August clouds are lovely;
they float there in the sky
They seem to say,"We're passing, folks,
--just really passing by!"
Those rains will come next month, you know,
Right now...enjoy that sky -
Those lovely, fluffy, August clouds,
While they are passing by!

We are like those clouds, I think,
So let us really try,
To see the beauty in us all,
While we are passing by!

By Sophie Jean Wilson, 1994

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chihuahua Momma

Chihuahua Momma taking a break with the babies

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Al came to live at our house today

Al came to live at our house today. I do not like him very much. He steals our thoughts away. He is the thief that is taking over Momma Jean's thoughts and moving them out. He makes her sad, anxious, and dependent on others. He is taking away her dignity and wonderful way with words. Today she cried because she is losing her ability to walk. It has happened rapidly and within the last few days. It has made her sad--all of us sad--and worried about her falling. She was presented with her new "transport" wheelchair, "Blue" and got to try it out when she went to the dentist. The look on her face when she saw the chair was not a happy camper. She is probably not  going to be happy about taking the chair with her tomorrow when she goes on the bus to her Alzheimer's group. I don't like Al very much.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


It's been a week and a day and still the devestating images keep coming. I want to be there and help. I want to wipe their faces and provide comfort. I want to make everything better and take away the fear and nightmares, the images no child should see.

I have six adopted children and lately the desire for a baby has been stronger than ever. But now I'm a grandma, 8 grandkids and another one this spring. Do I have the stamina to do this all over again? My heart says yes but my body says, "are you crazy?" but I can't help that desir
e, longing to hold a little one. I looked seriously at the prospect of caring for a deaf child or one with disabilities. Three of my other children had/have disabilities, I can do that again.

I know this is an emotional response, but is it God sent? I will know more as time passes and the children are readied for adoption. All I can do for now is pray for them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Pecan Ct,Longmont,United States