Thursday, November 8, 2012

America and the Constitution died this week, November 6, 2012

A friend in our community wrote an obituary for our Uncle:
Qoute of the day by Paul R Bean-I am mourning the death of my uncle. My uncle was born on July 4th 1776 and passed on near midnight November 6th 2012. Once he was disrobed and the examination by the corner began. It was apparent that one of the reasons for his death was anemia. You see, a once vibrant giant, who fought for freedom had been the victim of parasites." 
On Tuesday, I could not believe my eyes and stop the hurting in my heart. The tears for my country and Constitution did not start until the next day when I explained things to my sister. I am astonished that so many people voted for a man who is a traitor to our country and is a professes Socialist and wants us to be that way. He is a Muslim and a friend to the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama should be tried for high Treason. But he isn't evil by himself. He has a staff, Hilary Clinton for one, and George Soros to finance his treasonous acts. Are there really so many so called "Americans" who wants free stuff that they would put this man back in office
For those of us who have lost our joy, we need to read Psalm 137 and Isiah 40.  The Isaelites were in captivity to the Babylonians. These were not nice people. They stopped to rest by a river with weeping willows growing along the bank. The court musicians hung their harps on the trees, heartbroken and their hope that God would rescue them receding. The Babylonians began taunting the Israelis. 
"Go on, sing us one of the songs of Zion!"
The Israelites replied with bitterness in their voice, "How can we sing the songs of the Lord-in a foreign land?" The harps were hanging silently on the trees beside the river where the captives were kept. 
The Babylons knew that the people didn't feel like singing. Their parents had been murdered, houses pillaged and robbed, infants bashed against the cobblestones and killed Who could sing after witnessing that kind of slaughter and then being herded together like animals?  
Out of the darkness they began to hear it. The sound of one lone harp. An old man with fire burning in his eyes was singing! He was singing one of the songs of Zion. A Beautiful song of comfort and hope, a song about the Shepherd gently leading those with young. A song about eternity and a God who inhabited it, owned it, and was offering to share it with those who would put their faith in Him.
This old man was one of Israel's temple musicians and like the others he was sitting by the waters, held in captivity. Imagine trees festooned with harps hung up after a days hard labor but under one of those trees the temple musicians gathered their harps and joined the old man. They sang a message from the writings of the prophet Isaiah to God's discouraged people.
                 Comfort, comfort my people,
                     says your God..
                     Those who hope in the Lord
                     will renew their strength.
                      They will soar on wings like eagles;
                     They will run and not grow weary,
                      They will walk and not be faint (Isiah 40:1,31)
   What do we do? Is it status quo? I don't know. I've had my couple of days of mourning and now it is time to take action. I've prayed to God and asked direction, I am waiting on some answers but I feel I know what is going to happen. As a Tea Party member, I am prepared for disaster and I expect the help of my God. We must group together as like minded people, helping each other, lending a hand. American and her people are going through a judgement and the only way our American and Constitution will be restored is through God's hands. Pray to be God's hands and feet. Look for answers to your prayers and remember to be a grateful child and say Thank You.
We may have a Muslim, Socialist, Traitor in the White House, but we have God to hold on to. Don't give up. Take your harp from the tree and sing the songs of Zion. Show these lazy, incompetent people that Government isn't the answer, The Bible is and helping one another is the answer.
Remember, be prepared for anything, keep your powder dry and pray without ceasing. 
Note: The story of the Israelites and harps came from the Bible and also from a book entitled Heart Strings by Jill Briscoe.