Sunday, December 2, 2007

Mom and Granny Red

Granny is 93 and just recently went into a nursing home. Mom and Spike go to visit her everyday and she looks forward to seeing them. She has some very interesting stories about the sheep farmers that live in the room with her! (There isn't anyone there that we can see) Spike makes her beautiful soft blankets and pillowcases and I am making her a soft bed shawl to keep warm. She has her angels hanging in the window and they just finished decorating her room for Christmas.

Grandma and Nicky Gage

How Cute am I??? I look like my Grandma and she loves me lots!!

I'm Too Cute and I know how to use it!!

Father and Son

Tommy and Gage taking some time out!

"I don't want to leave Grandma and Grandpa Camp"

Gage is such a beautiful baby! He is pulling up and trying to stand and even walk. I got to be with him for a bit during Thanksgiving this year and it was sucha blessing. I rocked him and fed him a bottle. Tommy is such a great Dad to him. Tom and Theresa are wonderful grandparents to our sweet little boy, too. I am so grateful to them for sharing all the pictures and stories about him. I don't feel so far away from this snuggle bear, plus we have become so close to them and his Auntie Kate! I also like it that Gage gets to see his cousins and other Aunts and Uncles. He is a very loved and cherished little boy.

Hi MomMo and BoBo

Gage looks so much like his Daddy! He is so handsome. I was so suprised to see him crawling when we were there at Thanksgiving. I tried to video but was so excited I only got the last part!

Monday, August 27, 2007

50 and trying to meet goals!

These pictures aren't in order but they should be "walking dogs 1-4"

Then my fabulous writing companions, Trace, Max, Mutts, and Rosie

Boulder Falls Our secret writing place above 8,000 ft.

I turned 50 this week and realized I had not met the goals that I had set up so long ago. I wanted to be published by a traditional publisher (I'm not counting articles in the papers or magazines) with my children's stories and a novel well on the way. I do have the traditional "novel under the bed" -the one you write while learning what you're supposed to do, so that's a good thing, I did self-publish a series of children's Bible story tapes that were sold at Barnes and Noble, I did progress in the artist-author-speaker-guild member-genre at that time. So those are all positive things. But now I reached a milestone and do not have a children's book published by a traditional author, haven't illustrated many books or manuscripts except my own, haven't shown art in a gallery since the 80's and I don't know what happened. I have not been idle. I have been writing my fingers to the bone! I have several fantastic children stories, sketches, (not many paintings) several outlines for a great novel series, and my husband and I are working on a young adult series now. In fact we drove to the mountain and worked on the story line while I picked wild mountain raspberries and panned for gold. Of course all of that was during breaks.
Since Sunday, I have reset my goals, adjusted my attitude, will have surgery next week on my neck, begun multi media graphic classes at college and tried to give up saying I just want to stay home and bake bread, cookies and brownies and be an old hippie!
I must say it is getting a little easier to put your heart out in a manuscript or illustration and then be crushed by rejection. It seems like everything I put out this year was rejected, at least the grandkids love it! That makes it worth everything!
I am blessed to live in such a wonderful, beautiful area that is extremely inspiring for the creative person. The Rocky Mountains seem to stir those creative juices and make that tingling feeling in the end of the fingers that makes you know it's time to work!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Time, kids, dogs, pain, and where it all goes

AaBi and Roy Benny & Jacob in the window BoBo fishing
Jacob fishing & Continental Divide

I understand that is a very weird title, but so much has happened since my last post. To bring you up to date, our little bitty baby is now up to 15 lbs. and so healthy and happy! Thank you God for answering prayers. Our other little granddaughter, Clyr is growing fast and now saying MaMa and Dada. We had a visit over the 4th of July from the boys, AaBi and Roy. We tried so hard to go camping but something came up all week and "we still didn't get to go camping!" That ended up being the motto for our entire week! It was chaotic, the house looked like it threw-up, and the 4th became a day to try to forget! Our son, Jon, was involved in the Kansas floods and had to flee as his house became submerged, he arrived here on the fourth with what he could put in his car and a dog and cat. Thankfully he works at WalMart and was able to transfer to Colorado. So at the present he is living with us until he can get back on his feet. So at one point during this chaotic week we had six adults, two children, and six animals living in our small home. The blessing was having two bathrooms - and the washer ran non-stop! Benny, our littlest grandson ate some meds and spent two days at the emergency room, the transmission went out on the kids car so they ended up staying a couple of days longer, our air-conditioner went out; the list is just to long to I want to forget part of it!

But all-in-all, we had a wonderful time together and finally at the end of the week we managed to get to the mountains and go fishing, geocaching, and even had a bear encounter. I will add some pictures on a new blog tomorrow and expand on our bear encounter (and snake).

The time just flew by and I really wasn't ready for them all to leave, I seem to never get enough hugs and love from the kids. I desperately miss living by them and watching the boys grow up. If I had my way (see MomMo's Cobb house story) we would all live together on a working communal farm. Can you tell I grew up in the 60's??? HaHa!

I have been in a lot of pain recently, so part of the time they were here, I was a bit crabby. I'll admit it. (Does that make you laugh, AaBi?) I am having surgery on my cervical spine in Sept. so I am in a soft neck brace to stop further damage and support my neck. The doctor is going to fuse two vertebra together and try to fix another vertebra that is pressing on my spinal column and causing extreme pain in my neck, head, arm and even leg. I have had so many tests and MRI's that I am just ready to get this over with. The good news is...they did find a brain when I had a brain MRI and there wasn't a stroke! This is actually forcing me to use the headset at work when I answer the phone and my Blue tooth device with my cell phone. The scary thing is if I fall, had a wreck, or somehow damaged my neck further (before surgery) I could become paralyzed. I pray my angels are working overtime to help me not be so klutzy! My good friend from work (who's job I took over) had the very same problem and her surgery was on the 6Th of August. She is doing well. I do believe our work (station, ergonomically disastrous desk, lack of headphones and hundreds of calls a day contributed to this problem!) is responsible for where we are today. I am now a headset advocate for everyone at the college. I tell them they do not want to be a little old lady like me someday. Right now they are young and can cradle that phone and type or write when calls come into their department, but it will get you!!!

My 50th birthday is in a couple of weeks and I know I have been blogging about mortality and how fast time goes. Live each day to the fullest and be full of joy. Life is too short not to enjoy yourself. Laugh every day!

Monday, June 18, 2007

MomMo's Cobb House Part 1

I decided to write a story about one of my dreams and include all the people in my family because that is how I would love for this to happen. So what I'll do is begin the story and write installments until it is finished. Don't worry, it's a short story anyway! Just please remember this is a rough draft and will not be edited, this is just like I am writing it in a journal.

The early morning sun shone brightly as it peeked above the ridge and the meadowlarks serenaded the group on BoBo's mountain. Brightly colored tents formed semi-circles around two campfires and a cooking area set up under the huge cottonwoods. BoBo was already out in the cool morning air being followed by two Chihuahua's, Mutts and Rosie, and two labs, Bo and Mocha. Rosie saw MomMo head out of the tent and went to help her put the coffee on the camp stove. Mutts supervised BoBo, Mocha and Bo stir up the campfires. The two labs were helping by bringing BoBo sticks to put on the fires then they took off to check out the early morning wildlife at the creek and get a drink of water.

The smell of brewing coffee and frying bacon caused a stirring in some of the tents and a little red headed boy popped out of the nearest tent. Jacob rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and smiled a lopsided snaggeltooth grin, "Hi MomMo and BoBo."

"Good morning baby! Did you have sweet dreams?"

Jacob nodded sleepily and stumbled toward his MomMo's arms. She pulled her lanky first born grandson into her lap. No matter how big they get they are never too old for MomMo hugs. He snuggled his head against her chest listening to her heart beat and her voice as she talked with BoBo.

"MomMo? Is it today?...are we making the house today?"

MomMo hugged him tight, "Yes, this is it! We will get started today and we are going to do it all together!"

Max, an older Alaskan Malamute ambled across the camping area and nudged Jacob's feet. "Uncle Jon must be awake, or he just let Max out so he could sleep longer!"

The entire Wilson clan had gathered for an old fashioned barn raising of sorts - in this case a Cobb house building. They were camping on the mountain property with all the grandchildren, grown kids and spouses, cousins, everyone's dogs, solar showers, porta-potties...It felt like a hippie gathering from the 60's! All we needed were tie-died clothes and tambourines

The coffee and bacon did the trick and everyone began to gather under the "kitchen" tent and around the picnic tables. The girls were helping scramble eggs while the guys corralled the kids to get them fed.

Installment One:

To be continued ...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Poetry Break

Here are a few of my favorite poems and why I love them so...
The first one is entitled "When I'm an Old Lady"

When I'm an old lady, I'll live with each kid,
And bring so much happiness...just as they did.
I want to pay back all the joy they've provided,
Returning each deed. Oh, they'll be so excited!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids).
I'll write on the wall with red, whites and blues,
And bounce on the furniture wearing my shoes.
I'll drink from the carton and then leave it out.
I'll stuff all the toilets and, oh, how they'll shout!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids).
When they're on the hone and just out of reach,
I'll get into things like sugar and bleach,
Oh, they'll snap their fingers and then shake their heads,
And when that is done I'll hide under the bed!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids).
When they cook dinner and call me to eat,
I'll not eat my green beans or salad or meat.
I'll gag on my okra, spill milk on the table,
And when they get angry I'll run...if I'm able!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids).
I'll sit close to the TV, through channels I'll click,
I'll cross both my eyes just to see if they stick.
I'll take off my socks and throw one away,
And play in the mud 'til the end of the day!
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids).
And later in bed, I'll lay back and sigh,
I'll thank God in prayer and then close my eyes.
My kids will look down with a smile slowly creeping,
And say with a groan, "She's so sweet, when she's sleeping!"
(When I'm an old lady and live with my kids).

I believe the reason I love this poem so much is very obvious! I can't wait to share the love!

This next poem is for my grandchildren (especially Jacob and Benny)

Angel of Motherhood (Grandmotherhood)
by Kristen M Saccardi
The angel of all motherhood
She kisses each child good night
Wraps a child in her special wings
and holds all children tight.
She is a perfect Angel to answer to
A Mother's special prayer
Forever she is constantly
Hovering somewhere.
A treasured gift this angel is
She'll always do her part
Protect each gift that you receive
That lives inside your heart.
a gift from God He sent her here
To hold your child so close
The precious gift a child to love
a most angelic host.
The Angel's name is MomMo
She is the only Angel that shines so bright
She is an amazing angel
That will guard you through the night.
The Angel MomMo is truly wonderful
She will kiss your tears away
The angel MomMo is so beautiful
she looks pretty every day.
So say a prayer to God each night
Forever she'll be near
A guardian to every child
Each one her heart will wear.
I am Jacob, Benny's, Gage's, Gracen, Lily's and even Clyr's guardian Angel MomMo.

Then there is this lovely sentiment placed on an old church wall in Upwaltham, England:

I will not with thee riches nor
the glow of greatness, but that
wherever thou go some weary
heart shall gladden at thy smile,
or shadowed life know sunshine for awhile,
And so thy path shall be a track of light
like angels' footsteps passing through the night.

Then there is the beautiful poem:
A Grandmother's Prayer
by Barbara Burrows
Oh Lord, I do not ask for much,,
Eternal beaut, or youth, or such.
Just give me a little hand to hold,
And I'll forget that I'm growing old.
I do not ask for cloudless skies,
A life that's free from tears and sighs.
Just give me a little face to kiss,
And anxious moments will turn to bliss.
For what is there, really, that means so much
As little hands that reach and touch,
As little eyes that search and see
Only the best in fragile me?
So let me grow more loving and wise
By looking at life through their wide eyes.
For through these little ones, you have given
This grateful grandmother a glimpse of heaven.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Musings on Life

Here I am, about to turn 1/2 a century. That's enough to give anyone pause-can I really have been alive that long? I don't feel any older than I did when I was 20. Ok, Ok, maybe when it's really cold or raining and my broken/healed ankle hurts or my fingers feel a little stiff, maybe then I feel my age, but for the most part I wonder who that woman is in the mirror!

I stand amazed at how my body is growing older and my mind/spirit is staying put. How is that possible? Is that how we age and stay "young at heart?" In my mind I can keep up with my grandkids, I can exercise with the best of them, I can hike up the mountain and ride my bike and not get tired out too quickly. In reality, I fade fast, I get winded quickly, my body hurts, it takes days to recover from just a hike in the heat! I don't hold up like I used to. I think I'll stick to my fantasy of not growing old!

I look at my Dad and Mom and wonder how they grew old, in my mind they are the young, active parents who tried so hard to keep up with my sister and brother and I. I still see my Dad in his cowboy hat and black and white custom boots, standing on the mesa looking for all the world like an older James Dean. I see my Mom in pedal pushers (now called Capri's!) and loafers, curly brown hair and a curvy figure, catching the eyes of the guys as she passes by. Those are the parents I remember and still see - not noticing the gray hair and bifocals.

I still have two grandparents alive. My grandchildren have great, great grandparents! They are both weak and feeble and I know in my heart they won't be here long. We truly are a "vapor, a mist" a blip in the grand scheme of things.

How can we make our mark on this world? How do we keep ourselves "alive" in the memories and history of our world when we are not famous, we are not world leaders, we are not in the news, how? We leave a heritage of our children and they carry on our ideals, our looks, our beliefs in God, our past. As long as we remain in their memories, we remain .

I am feeling very mortal this week. We had our sixth grandchild and out of six children two are now estranged. I celebrated the birth of a new life into this world and it hung by a thread. It is still in the balance as I write this. He was born with a serious congenital birth defect and will have surgery on Monday. He was hooked to so many machines I couldn't even hold him. All I could do was stoke his head and sing to him and tell him how much he was loved and to hold on, Jesus was holding him tight when we couldn't. How could I have lived my life for nearly 50 years and this child not even have a chance? I would trade with him.

In heaven we have two grandchildren. I am comforted by the knowledge that I will see them someday and at the same time haunted by the refrain from Sting's song, "Will I know in you in Heaven..." Will I know them?

The Bible tell us we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, cheering us on toward the goal. Who are those witnesses? Angels, family members, people who have passed that know of us but perhaps our verbal history has forgotten them? I don't know. I do know they are there, they are cheering for me and for you. My babies are there, my Grandfather is there, Trace's Dad is there, ancestors that I don't know, and eventually my parents will be there. They will know of my race, they will be at the finish line when I go to meet Jesus. Thank you God. Thank you for letting us know our families know about us, have knowledge even when they have passed over. It is comforting, it is a security blanket that helps me feel OK about growing older and eventually leaving this world for a better place.